

5 Benefits of Distance Learning, or Lockdown as a Simulator of the Future


Advantage # 1: remote control opened the borders


This is a real paradox: when the physical borders of states became closed, it is education that shows us that there are no borders and no one is able to limit a person's desire to learn. Is that the man himself. Until now, children have associated the concept of school and learning exclusively with the physical building of the school: you come there in the morning, sit in the classroom for lessons and leave after lunch. Agree, in the 21st century, when hundreds of new professions appear every year, and a person needs constant training throughout his life, such an understanding of the school is outdated. In addition, now an explanation of one topic can be obtained not only from your teacher, but also from hundreds of other sources: from the best Ukrainian teachers on the GSO platform, from blogger teachers from all over the world who post their instructional videos to the network, after all, from peers. Also on the distance people have found how to write essays. And in this history homework help in which you can see how works are written. Plus you can also learn how to write an essay.

Advantage # 2: telecommuting has made us flexible


We've been chatting about the VUCA world for a long time, but it's only now that we've experienced it first hand. And distance learning, in my opinion, is an ideal trainer for one of the most important life skills - flexibility. Before the lockdowns, we lived in a reality that was clearly defined by a home-work / school-home trajectory. And they got used to switching between the state of study and rest, work and leisure. Our distance learning experience develops a new approach for us: my condition or work efficiency does not depend on external circumstances or space. Yes, it’s not easy, but now my 6th grader can study literally wherever there is high-quality WiFi and a smartphone. In the world of the global labor market, such a feature is key, and in this sense, the generation of COVID-19 will no longer be frightened by the uncertainty and volatility of life. You can order an essay even while at home. With the help of the Internet, you can go to where there are many topics for writing essays. With this resource, you can become flexible.

Advantage # 3: Remote Control Slowed Us Down


I will describe to you a typical day for a schoolgirl's mother in Kiev until March 2020: the family has a haste breakfast in the morning, everyone is late, we have lunch with our daughter in the city - also on the go, because we have ballet / English courses / drawing, we go home in traffic jams, because rush hour, we have dinner too quickly, because lessons are for tomorrow. Between all this, I somehow managed to work and get to the junior's kindergarten on holidays. The school year for us was a marathon with obstacles. Now everything is different: children can sleep a little longer, because school is within keyboard distance. You can dine fully at home, without fuss and chase. All evenings are now in the bosom of the family, and not in traffic jams. And you know what is most beautiful? Never before have we communicated so much with our daughter as with distance learning. We discuss everything - school projects and new hairstyles for classmates, the effectiveness of learning with the camera on and off, beauty novelties and funny videos and a million more things a day. Why? Because now we have time for that.


Benefit # 4: Different Communication Experience


Don't think that I am looking at distance learning through rose-colored glasses. Like millions of Ukrainian parents, I am concerned about the isolation of our children, the lack of live communication between them and the fatigue of digital technologies. However, I have two positive insights here. First, our children are very resourceful. I don’t know how, but during these months of study, either online or offline, they developed a new culture of interaction with each other, a new type of student “hang out”. When everyone is telecommuting, they communicate no less, only in a different way: they manage to correspond in dozens of groups, arrange live broadcasts - who is doing what at home, together prepare educational projects online and test face masks. And when they return to classes, they value live communication more than before: they walk together after lessons,

Second insight: our children need parental support more than ever. Previously, they had a bunch of clubs, sports clubs, different groups in which everyone could prove themselves. Now the social circle has significantly narrowed, but the need for self-realization remains. Therefore, parents and family should become a platform for joint leisure, physical activity and small daily achievements. For example, we go rollerblading and ice-skating in the fresh air as a family, have equipped a mini sports corner at home and plan to draw a map of our area, where we will mark local graffiti, sports simulators and areas "mined by neighbor's dogs."

Advantage # 5: remote control pumps responsibility and motivation


Discipline in the classroom has always been one of the priorities of the Ukrainian school: if children sit quietly and listen to the teacher, then the educational process is going according to plan. This approach, however, did not encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and develop intrinsic motivation. After all, external factors - grades, teacher, school administration, calls to lessons - created a strong framework for school life and socially desirable behavior. Distance learning has weakened all these constraints: the teacher, although in your room, is still far away, for the disruption of the lesson, now they will not be taken to the principal, the schedule is flexible - some lessons are synchronous, others are asynchronous. The distance learning program has a fairly clear structure, and at the same time, it gives children enough freedom: the student in front of the computer screen is himself responsible for his concentration and involvement in the lesson. Sure, nobody cancels the motivation from the teacher, but distance learning is a real "adult" education, from which everyone takes as much as he wants and when he can. In our family, this advantage was shown by the youngest son - he goes to read the book on his own, because this is exactly what his older sister does.

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